Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tatiana's internet safety post

5:39 PM Posted by Tatiana 8-17 , No comments
this is my first post

talent show video

if you wouldn't say it in person don't say it online
delete cyber bullying
don't forward cyber bullying
dont send hate mail
don't do it

Bullion bored 

think before you post
once its online anyone can see it
once its up you cannot take it back
don't post it if you don't want people to see it
if you think it is gone it is really still there FOREVER
words hurt

words hurt don't be a part of it
word like loser and geek hurt people
don't be a bystander
strong words a very hurtful to others
treat others how you want to be treated not with hurtful words and bullying

kitchen cyber bullying

dont talk about other people with disrespect
dont speak about others parents
if you say it online why can you say it in person
dont call people names like "tramp zitface ugly etc" because you feel the need to make them feel bad


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